An Easy Way to Save the Planet

Are you worried about the fate of the planet?

You should be.


There is a predicted population increase of 3 billion people in the next 30 years. That is a 40% increase in the population! The world reached its first billion just 200 years ago, and during the 20th century alone, the population increased from 1.65 billion to 6 billion. When the population increased, mankind was forced to rapidly increase their food production, thus we created synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. They worked wonders in the short term, but now, they are poisoning our bodies, our families, and our environment.

If each person were to choose one organic product out of every 10 they purchased, we could begin to save our planet. How? If everyone began to buy 1/10 organic, then we would have 98 million servings of clean drinking water free of the toxic chemicals that are poisoning so many communities. 20 million servings of milk would remain antibiotic-free, thereby easing the pressure of antibiotic resistance that is occurring at alarming rates around the world. We would even reduce our total oil use by 2.9 billion barrels each year. Convinced yet?

With your support, demand, and choice, we can shape out sustainable future. By choosing organic products, you will actively support organic agriculture, of which neem is a vital component. As a biopesticide, neem is not only a healthier, safer option for our environment than the typical synthetic pesticide, but it will also help us achieve sustainable food security throughout the world, allowing mankind to thrive in harmony with the environment.

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