Category: Reforestation
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Wildlife under Threat – Organic Agriculture could Prevent Extinction

Wildlife under Threat – Organic Agriculture could Prevent Extinction

Commercial farming focuses on producing large amounts of food, but doesn't take into account that chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers threaten ecosystems, and wildlife, while also damaging the soil and affecting the nutritional value of crops. Organic farming represents not only an alternative but rather ...

The Secret to Clean and Cooler Air

The Secret to Clean and Cooler Air

What if you and your children were physically unable to live in your city? If the global community fails to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, many cities in the Persian Gulf will be too hot to live in by the end of the century. However, this is a global problem the world is facing. According to the World Health ...

How Trees Help You

How Trees Help You

In a study on urban trees from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO), trees were found to drastically improve quality of life! Some of the things that trees improve in urban areas: Mental health Water flow and water quality Carbon sequestration Air cleanliness and quality ...

Saving our Environment

Saving our Environment

“This is not a partisan debate; it’s a human one. Clean air and water and a livable climate are inalienable human rights. And solving this crisis is not a question of politics. It is our moral obligation.” - Leonardo DiCaprio, United Nations Climate Summit, 2014 With the recent change of power in the United States ...

Neem Trees: Saving the Planet

Neem Trees: Saving the Planet

Earth Overshoot Day, also known as Ecological Debt Day, is the day of the year when humanity’s consumption of resources overtakes the earth’s ability to naturally regenerate those resources. In 2018, this day came earlier than it ever has before: On August 1st we began to rob time and resources from future ...

Water Scarcity

Water Scarcity

Water scarcity is an issue that threatens life itself, causing thirst, food shortages, displacement, and disease. More than 4 billion people worldwide are at risk of drought and half a billion already face severe water scarcity year round. When water is hard to find, sub prime, or heavily contaminated water, is ...

Dealing with Deforestation

Dealing with Deforestation

The very nature of neem makes the tree ideal for reforestation and carbon sequestration efforts. Fast growing, with a large surface biomass and thick foliage, neem has an impressive capacity to capture carbon in the atmosphere with a sequestration capacity of 12.27 tons per tree per year. One of the most resilient, ...

Neem for Reforestation

Neem for Reforestation

The human population created almost 36 gigatonnes of CO2 during 2014, 60% over the levels experienced in 1990. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, global carbon emissions from fossil fuels have risen by 90% since 1970. Even though these statistics are jarring, there is a problem: every ...

Rising Demand For Forest Carbon Offsets

Rising Demand For Forest Carbon Offsets

At the end of 2013, 26.5m hectares of forest plantations were supported by carbon finance, according to NGO Forest Trends, with $212 million injected into the sector during the previous year. This represents growth of 9% y-o-y and is based on coverage of 162 projects across 58 countries. Part altruism, part ...

A Leader in Carbon Offsetting

A Leader in Carbon Offsetting

One of the more practical and achievable ways to cleanse our environment and ensure an equitable future is to lock up, or sequester, more carbon from the atmosphere through the simple process of planting more trees worldwide. Neem has a high rate of photosynthesis and liberates more oxygen than many other tree ...

Growing Green Economies

Growing Green Economies

An explanation of consequences if businesses do not shift to more sustainable conduct and the importance of sustainable practices in reducing the amount of worldwide carbon emissions.

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