Tag: Dangers of synthetic pesticides
Wildlife under Threat – Organic Agriculture could Prevent Extinction

Wildlife under Threat – Organic Agriculture could Prevent Extinction

Commercial farming focuses on producing large amounts of food, but doesn't take into account that chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers threaten ecosystems, and wildlife, while also damaging the soil and affecting the nutritional value of crops. Organic farming represents not only an alternative but rather ...

Organic Farming: Is It Really Better For The Environment?

Organic Farming: Is It Really Better For The Environment?

What would happen if the entire farming industry turned organic? According to the Organic Trade Association, if every farmer in the U.S. produced organic foods, 500 millions pounds of harmful pesticides could be eliminated per year. Why Should We Change to Organic Farming? Traditional farming involves the use of ...

Mosquito Menace: The Urge for Natural Solutions like Neem

Mosquito Menace: The Urge for Natural Solutions like Neem

Did you know that mosquitoes are often referred to as the deadliest animal in the world? It is almost hard to believe that such a small insect can be considered even more deadly than some of the most ferocious animals…but, what exactly makes it so dangerous? The World's Deadliest Animal Mosquitoes are vectors, living ...

Pesticides and Their Harmful Effects for Your Body

Pesticides and Their Harmful Effects for Your Body

If synthetic pesticides are killing bugs… What are they doing to your body? The fact that they have been used for decades has created a completely false sense of security among people. But what if you were told that commonly used pesticides are to blame for hormonal unbalance, food allergies and many more daily health ...

Synthetic Run Off Creating a Dead Zone

Synthetic Run Off Creating a Dead Zone

In the Gulf of Mexico, an aquatic dead zone has been growing in size for decades and this summer, when the zone spreads to its peak area of the year, will cover 8,198 square miles, an area around the size of the state of New Jersey. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), this will be ...

Lower your Toxin Levels with Organic

Lower your Toxin Levels with Organic

Children are one of the most vulnerable age groups in the world. As their bodies, brains, and immune systems are still growing, they are exposed to a multitude of different chemicals and toxins through the air, water, and most importantly, the food they eat. Unfortunately, these toxins cause an abundance of health ...

GMO Food…How Do you Know?

GMO Food…How Do you Know?

One of the most controversial new food products has finally hit shelves. Have you seen it? Have you eaten it? The new non-browning Arctic apples have been causing discussions, questions, and concerns regarding genetically modified food and whether or not consumers should be able to know what they are eating. The fact ...

Chemical Weapons on Your Food

Chemical Weapons on Your Food

Pesticides have been around for thousands of years, starting with sulfur, which was used to control bacteria and mold, around 1000 BC. Then, arsenic, not known at the time for its severe health impacts to humans, was used as a herbicide in the 1800s. These first-generation pesticides were often highly toxic compounds, ...

Synthetic Chemicals are Everywhere

Synthetic Chemicals are Everywhere

Though you may feel as if synthetic pesticides don’t affect you or your community, you’re wrong! Traces of synthetic pesticides can be found everywhere, even in small amounts, and can affect important aspects of human health that are vital to growth and development. By spraying synthetics, we place our own future at ...

Your Right to Food

Your Right to Food

According to a new report from the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, the aggressive promotion of pesticides has led to a violation of human rights - our right to adequate food and our right to health. The report emphasizes that “the right to food obligates States to implement protective measures and food ...

Deadly Diseases Prevented by Neem

Deadly Diseases Prevented by Neem

Some of the most deadly diseases are vector-borne, transmitted by the seemingly inconsequential bite of mosquitoes and other arthropod species. Over the years, mankind has strived to find treatments for these deadly afflictions, ranging from yellow fever, dengue, malaria and zika, which affect at least half a billion ...

What’s the Deal with Glyphosate?

What’s the Deal with Glyphosate?

If farm workers need to wear protective suits and cover their faces to spray chemicals on the food we eat, why should we believe that the most popular foods we buy are safe to eat? On March 20th, 2015, the World Health Organization labeled glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen. There are thousands of synthetic ...

Organic Food to Sustainability

Organic Food to Sustainability

Are you a part of the organic food trend? If you are like the majority of the population, you have at one time or another bought something with an organic label. However, do you know where that organic product is coming from? With a global trend of increasing consumer demand for organic products, companies are ...

Saving our Environment

Saving our Environment

“This is not a partisan debate; it’s a human one. Clean air and water and a livable climate are inalienable human rights. And solving this crisis is not a question of politics. It is our moral obligation.” - Leonardo DiCaprio, United Nations Climate Summit, 2014 With the recent change of power in the United States ...

An Easy Way to Save the Planet

An Easy Way to Save the Planet

Are you worried about the fate of the planet? You should be. Why? There is a predicted population increase of 3 billion people in the next 30 years. That is a 40% increase in the population! The world reached its first billion just 200 years ago, and during the 20th century alone, the population increased ...

Bees: Vital to Agriculture and Our Survival

Bees: Vital to Agriculture and Our Survival

The first wild bee to be listed as an endangered species, the rusty patched bumblebee, represents the danger that synthetic pesticides pose to our environment and future survival. The United Nations recently released a global assessment stating that 40% of invertebrate pollinator species are in danger of extinction. ...
