Tag: neem oil uses
Neem’s potential as a Biofuel

Neem’s potential as a Biofuel

From oil spills that cause the devastation of entire ecosystems, to deforestation, and even air pollution, fossil fuels have caused many damages to our planet. Even though sustainable alternatives like biofuel exist, fossil fuels are still the most frequently used combustibles. As the primary source of CO2, they are ...

Neem Clay Mask

Neem Clay Mask

One of the best natural ingredients for your skin, neem products (like neem leaves, neem flowers, neem oil, and neem extract), contain amazing and unique properties that leave your skin feeling hydrated, clean, and clear! Neem is often used in Ayurvedic medicine as it calms pitta, producing a cleansing, cooling ...

Neem as a Safe Solution

Neem as a Safe Solution

The cosmetics industry is one of the most deregulated industries, with many of the world’s most popular cosmetics containing dangerous toxic chemicals! In particular, nail polish and nail-strengthening solutions contain many hazardous chemicals, like carcinogens! Formaldehyde is one of the carcinogenic chemicals ...

Deadly Diseases Prevented by Neem

Deadly Diseases Prevented by Neem

Some of the most deadly diseases are vector-borne, transmitted by the seemingly inconsequential bite of mosquitoes and other arthropod species. Over the years, mankind has strived to find treatments for these deadly afflictions, ranging from yellow fever, dengue, malaria and zika, which affect at least half a billion ...

Natural, Neem Pet Shampoo Benefits

Natural, Neem Pet Shampoo Benefits

How often do you put toxic chemicals, like Frontline or similar pesticides, on your beloved pet? Two common active ingredients in flea and tick medicines for dogs are pyrethrin and pyrethroid. Pyrethrins are derived from Chrysanthemum flowers, but pyrethroids are synthetic and longer lasting, but have more adverse ...
