Stomach Infections: How Neem Can Cure Them Naturally

We’ve all been there; you eat something not correctly cooked or rotten without knowing it and your stomach turns against you. Whether you have regular stomach pain from eating something irritable, or a significant infection from “bad chicken,” neem is a natural option that has cured stomach ailments for centuries.

Stomach Bacteria

There are hundreds of different species of bacteria in our gut; each type of bacteria plays an active role and requires different nutrients to grow. A diverse microbiota is optimum for health, which is why it’s essential to have an appropriate diet based on natural foods. Each type of bacteria requires a different kind of food. A diverse diet that includes, fruit, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and fermented foods is a great way to promote healthy gut flora.

Infections and discomfort can be a result of weakened gut flora. Making sure that you promote the right type of bacteria in your gut is vital for overall health.

Neem for Your Stomach

In the Ayurvedic medical tradition, neem is considered a useful therapy for ulcers and gastric discomfort. Compounds in neem have been proven to have anti ulcerative effects.  Throughout India, people take neem leaves for all sorts of stomach problems.

Some scientific evidence exists for its effectiveness for these problems. Ulcers are treated well with neem leaf extracts; nimbidin from seed extracts taken orally prevents lesions, peptic ulcers, and provides significant reductions in acid output and gastric fluid activity.

Neem is also useful in treating other problems. The herb promotes a healthy digestive system by protecting your gut, aiding in elimination, and removing toxins and harmful bacteria. Its leaves are often used to treat heartburn and indigestion. Some neem extracts reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Neem extracts are also used to treat gastritis.  The extracts reduce the amount of acid in the gut; their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can relieve the effects of this condition.

