Category: Healthcare
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Birth Control: How Neem Can Make Birth Control Better and Safer

Birth Control: How Neem Can Make Birth Control Better and Safer

Birth control in the modern age is more than an effective method to control pregnancy and prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It's also a viable tool for population control, especially in impoverished areas where resources are scarce and the population can't afford contraceptive methods, many of which have ...

NSAIDs Have Many Troublesome Side Effects, Neem Doesn’t

NSAIDs Have Many Troublesome Side Effects, Neem Doesn’t

Known more commonly as pain relievers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are some of the most readily available and consumed medication worldwide. According to Harvard Medical School, estimates suggest that about 15% of the US population takes NSAIDs regularly (including both over the counter and ...

Soap: Natural is Way Better Than Toxic Unknown Ingredients

Soap: Natural is Way Better Than Toxic Unknown Ingredients

Soap is not something that we put much thought into - we usually just buy the cheapest, or the brand who’s advertising campaign is stuck in our head. However, the number of dangerous ingredients in a product that we use to clean ourselves on a daily basis would shock many people. Substances like Dioxane ...

Flu Season: Prevent and Treat Your Symptoms with Neem

Flu Season: Prevent and Treat Your Symptoms with Neem

With Fall, comes the cold, along with cold weather comes flu season. Influenza—commonlyknown as the flu in the U.S.—continues to be a threatening disease due to the number of deaths and hospitalizations it causes every year. According to new estimates by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention ...

Ayurvedic Medicine and the Power of The Neem Tree

Ayurvedic Medicine and the Power of The Neem Tree

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing. First originating in the Vedic culture of India, many consider it to be the oldest healing science. As alternative health practices become more common Ayurvedic medicine is increasingly enjoying a major worldwide resurgence and continues to be practiced ...

Antibacterial Clothing: Toxic for Humans and the Environment

Antibacterial Clothing: Toxic for Humans and the Environment

Imagine if your workout clothes repelled smell. Great, right? The idea is, but the actual substances used to give clothes antibacterial properties might pose a risk to your health and the environment. Luckily, recent studies prove that natural extracts such as Neem can provide the same antibacterial protection without ...

Eye Health and the Importance of Neem for Your Eyes

Eye Health and the Importance of Neem for Your Eyes

Our eyesight is one of our most important senses, with 80% of what we perceive coming from the sense of sight. Constantly exposed to the elements, our eyes are very fragile and impacted by different aspects of modern life, such as the excessive use of computers and digital devices that can strain and dry our eyes, and ...

Improve Oral Health with Neem

Improve Oral Health with Neem

Neem is known as the "village pharmacy" in India due to its many applications and its ability to treat a number of conditions. Oral care is something that many people struggle with due to a variety of factors visit Taking care of our teeth and gums is not always the easiest thing, plus many traditional ...

Biofilm  and Neem Protect Your Gut and Overall Health

Biofilm and Neem Protect Your Gut and Overall Health

The power of a healthy gut goes beyond what most people imagine. Our gut health is not only beneficial for our digestion, but for our entire health. Biofilms - naturally occurring bacterial colonies that form in both humans and the environment, as a protective layer around bacteria - play an important role when ...

Clothing and the Toxic Chemicals Used to Manufacture it

Clothing and the Toxic Chemicals Used to Manufacture it

With the rise of the fashion industry and mass retailer brands, producing clothing at a massive scale under the lowest costs has led to the heavy use of chemicals in order to manufacture and preserve clothes. The non-organic cotton industry is the highest user of the herbicide glyphosate, a substance that is ...

Toxic Deodorant? What Some Ingredients May be Hiding

Toxic Deodorant? What Some Ingredients May be Hiding

Sweaty armpits? Most people are willing to try anything in order to get rid of this problem, and unfortunately, most of us turn to deodorant and antiperspirant which contains a number of chemicals such as aluminum, that can damage your skin, stain your clothes and even threaten your overall health. Substances used in ...

How Neem Helps you Defeat Acne and Have Healthier Skin

How Neem Helps you Defeat Acne and Have Healthier Skin

While most people have to deal with acne at some point in their lives, the causes and treatments of this disease are still a mystery to many acne sufferers who frequently turn to a variety of remedies looking for that miraculous "instant cure". These products often contain ingredients that can harm the skin and make ...

Digestion Problems? Neem Solves Them

Digestion Problems? Neem Solves Them

All around the world more people than ever are suffering from digestion problems. This is in part because we live in incredibly stressful environments which lead to a number of health issues, but also due to the fact that the modern food industry is mostly composed of processed foods, with cheap ingredients, which ...

Malaria: A Global Human Threat That Neem Can Fight

Malaria: A Global Human Threat That Neem Can Fight

In 2016, nearly half of the world’s population was at risk of malaria. There were 216 million cases of malaria in 2016, leading to 445 000 deaths. This dangerous disease remains the major killer in children under 5 years old, taking the life of a child every two minutes. According to the WHO, the regions of ...

Influenza Virus: Can Neem Fight This Epidemic Threat?

Influenza Virus: Can Neem Fight This Epidemic Threat?

Influenza, commonly known as "the flu", is an infectious disease that can spread easily and attack a wide range of the world's population. Symptoms can be mild to severe and include fever, a sore throat, muscle pains, headache, coughing, a runny nose and feeling tired. While mostly harmless, it can become more ...

Neem’s Role in Curing Huntington’s Disease

Neem’s Role in Curing Huntington’s Disease

Huntington's disease affects more than 10 million people around the world. The United States National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke defines Huntington’s Disease as an inherited disorder that causes degeneration of brain cells and neurons in motor control regions of the brain and other areas. ...

Boosting Neem Through Traditional Medicine Departments

Boosting Neem Through Traditional Medicine Departments

Have you ever heard about a Ministry of Health creating a Department of Traditional Medicine?   If  you have never heard about  anything like this, here's what you need to know:  many countries around the world have started to recognize the value of traditional medicinal practices and created national Departments ...

Natural Detoxification with Neem

Natural Detoxification with Neem

Help your body get rid of unnecessary toxins by naturally detoxifying with neem! Detoxification is a natural process during which your body neutralizes, transforms or gets rid of unwanted toxins and waste products, allowing your organism to metabolize and excrete certain elements of what you ingest. This process is ...

Care for Your Hands with Neem

Care for Your Hands with Neem

Used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, neem’s extensive healthcare properties have been known for thousands of years. Neem has many antibacterial properties and can be used in natural, herbal sanitizers around the world. Hand sanitizers are found everywhere, from hospitals to schools to shopping centers. ...

Eat Like Your Life Depends on it!

Eat Like Your Life Depends on it!

When we think of the food on your table, we don’t usually think about the vast range of toxic and poisonous chemicals used in nearly all stages of the production process. We think mainly about the taste. This mentality needs to change. We must inform ourselves of the agrochemicals used in conventional agriculture and ...

Take all of the Antibiotics?

Take all of the Antibiotics?

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 2 million people are infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria each year. 23,000 of them die as a result of these once treatable infections. Bacteria have learned how to resist these drugs. Some now expel the antibiotic before it can work, ...

Neem’s Energy Boost for Yoga

Neem’s Energy Boost for Yoga

Neem was one of India’s best-kept secrets. Now that the secret is out, neem is known around the world as a valuable resource with a range of applications that are increasing to this day! Researchers have realized its potential across many sectors such as agriculture and healthcare, though its use as an energy-bringer ...

Healthy Gut, Happy Life

Healthy Gut, Happy Life

Did you know that your gut might be your most important organ for overall health? In recent research, intestinal microbiome health has been linked to genetic expression, immune system functionality, weight gain and loss, mental health, memory, and risk factors for chronic disease! Your gut – or the microbiome – is ...

Glyphosate and Arthritis

Glyphosate and Arthritis

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp, Monsanto’s ubiquitous herbicide, has been linked to many health concerns such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, autism, lowered intelligence, and now rheumatoid arthritis (RA)! RA is an autoimmune disease in which the body begins to attack its own tissues and not only causes ...

Synthetic Chemicals are Everywhere

Synthetic Chemicals are Everywhere

Though you may feel as if synthetic pesticides don’t affect you or your community, you’re wrong! Traces of synthetic pesticides can be found everywhere, even in small amounts, and can affect important aspects of human health that are vital to growth and development. By spraying synthetics, we place our own future at ...

Neem Mouthwash

Neem Mouthwash

With all of its amazing natural health and beauty properties, neem has found its way into many beauty and skin care products. One of the main problems with this is that many of the available products are not fully organic, don’t work, or just are too expensive! How can you include neem in your life without breaking ...

The Best-Kept Secret of the Food Industry

The Best-Kept Secret of the Food Industry

One of the best-kept secrets of the food industry is the sheer amount of chemicals that are sprayed on crops! Why does that affect you, as a consumer? The reason is simple - many of those synthetic chemicals are known or probable carcinogens. These synthetic chemicals are only ever tested in isolation; therefore the ...

The Danger of Antimicrobial Resistance

The Danger of Antimicrobial Resistance

In 2016, 700,000 people died because the microbes making them sick were resistant to the antibiotics they were given as treatment. By 2050, this number is expected to rise to 10 million deaths every single year. Antibiotic resistance is set to become more deadly than cancer. One major problem in combatting ...

Deadly Diseases Prevented by Neem

Deadly Diseases Prevented by Neem

Some of the most deadly diseases are vector-borne, transmitted by the seemingly inconsequential bite of mosquitoes and other arthropod species. Over the years, mankind has strived to find treatments for these deadly afflictions, ranging from yellow fever, dengue, malaria and zika, which affect at least half a billion ...

What’s the Deal with Glyphosate?

What’s the Deal with Glyphosate?

If farm workers need to wear protective suits and cover their faces to spray chemicals on the food we eat, why should we believe that the most popular foods we buy are safe to eat? On March 20th, 2015, the World Health Organization labeled glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen. There are thousands of synthetic ...

Neem’s Repellent Properties

Neem’s Repellent Properties

One of the most common and effective synthetic insect repellents, DEET, is surrounded by controversy. As more and more scientific research has been done on DEET, consumers still worry about unknown health effects that the man-made chemical could cause. There have been many documented health impacts and developmental ...

Nimbolide: Fighting Breast Cancer

Nimbolide: Fighting Breast Cancer

Neem’s saccharides and limonoids, found in the bark, leaves, and seeds, have been shown to reduce the size of tumors. The neem tree has been utilized as a cancer treatment in India for centuries, though the science behind the mechanism has yet to be fully understood! When breast cancer patients chew neem leaves or ...

Should You Buy Organic?

Should You Buy Organic?

To start with, the way that organic food is produced is much more beneficial to the environment. In conventional farming, hundreds of toxic chemicals are used to ward off pests, synthetically add nutrients to the soil and improve livestock health. Designed to kill destructive organisms while synthetically increasing ...

Benefits of Neem Tea

Benefits of Neem Tea

Drinking neem tea is one of best habits that you can have for your body! It provides you with all of the amazing health benefits of neem, in a soothing, curative drink. One of the most significant benefits of neem tea is that it is a detoxifying agent. It can help remove toxins from the liver and kidneys, purifying ...

Neem’s Advances in Cancer Treatment

Neem’s Advances in Cancer Treatment

Since 1993, the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the Environmental Protection Agency have all investigated and collected data on the health of farmers throughout the United States to determine health risks posed by agriculture. Hundreds of studies have been ...

What is Neem?

16° What is Neem?

What is neem? Neem is a tree, native to India, that is used as a natural pesticide and fertilizer, as a natural ingredient in cosmetics, as an additive to livestock feed and in pet care products, and even in healthcare treatments! Every part of the tree can be used - the bark, the leaves, the flowers, the gum, ...

Curing the Flu? With Neem, Anything is Possible

Curing the Flu? With Neem, Anything is Possible

The influenza virus is an extremely dangerous, rapidly transmitted virus with a high mortality rate. Each season, the influenza virus kills an estimated 50,000 people, causes 200,000 hospitalizations, and incurs costs of up to $10 billion in medical care in the United States. The influenza virus genome, due to ...

Neem’s Role in Antibiotic Resistance

Neem’s Role in Antibiotic Resistance

One of the most urgent threats facing humanity today is antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistant bacteria, or superbugs, are germs that don’t respond to the drugs designed to kill them and they threaten to return humans to the time when simple infections would likely lead to a painful and torturous death. Today, ...

Neem Against Malaria in the The Mosquito Capital of the World

Neem Against Malaria in the The Mosquito Capital of the World

People in Senegal know that the medicine for malaria offered by the region's pharmaceutical organizations is not working. Cheik Bamba, a small business owner in the town Kaolock, discovered the benefits and uses of neem leaves and has since controlled the spread of malaria in what is known locally as the mosquito ...

Strengthening Global Health

Strengthening Global Health

Neem based medications are playing an increasingly important role in fighting infection across the agriculture and healthcare sectors. Neem sourced products are being investigated across a broad spectrum of health areas, including cardiovascular disease and tuberculosis. Neem oil also has anti-sep­tic properties, ...

Antibiotic Resistance Infographic

Antibiotic Resistance Infographic

One of the greatest threats to global health today, antibiotic resistance causes 700,000 deaths per year because it is so often prescribed as the effective prevention and treatment of an ever increasing range of infections. However, by exposing livestock to these antibiotics, we create this dangerous problem. Allowed ...

Neem for Diabetics

Neem for Diabetics

One person dies from diabetes every seven seconds. 387 million people are living with the illness today, with an increase of 205 million expected by 2035. In 2014, diabetes expenditure reached $612 billion, making the illness responsible for $1 out of every $9 spent on healthcare. However, with the expected rise in ...

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