How Trees Help You

In a study on urban trees from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO), trees were found to drastically improve quality of life!

Some of the things that trees improve in urban areas:

  • Mental health
  • Water flow and water quality
  • Carbon sequestration
  • Air cleanliness and quality
  • Temperature
  • Biodiversity

Improves mental health: 

According to the UNFAO, urban trees improve mental health because they improve energy levels and recovery speeds, while decreasing blood pressure and stress levels. Neem trees go one step further: not only does their presence improve mental health, but consuming neem decreases blood pressure and when applied to wounds, neem aids in recovery by providing vital nutrients that the skin needs to heal.

Regulates water flow and improves water quality:

The neem tree has extensive roots and is able to grow in drought-like conditions, which is why it is an excellent option to increase green cover in hot, dry climates. The extensive root system does not just take from the ground, but gives back, making the soil healthier and more fertile.

Absorbs carbon dioxide in the air and filter for pollutants:

Neem is one of the best tree species at sequestering carbon from the air, able to fix carbon at a rate of 14 mol of CO2 m-1 sec-1, enough to eliminate 12.27 tons of carbon per year! Neem also serves as a filter for pollutants in the air and cleanses your skin and body of the toxins it absorbs from living in urban areas.

Cools the air:

In India and Africa, the wide canopy neem trees offer shade and cooler temperatures in urban areas. Some places have shown a difference of around 15ºF under the neem tree canopy when compared to the surrounding temperature. Checkout In places where it can often reach 110ºF, this decrease in temperature is welcomed and often a relief for many people.

Provides habitats to increase urban biodiversity: 

Neem can be home to many different animals, helping to increase biodiversity.

The magnificent neem tree also provides natural tools that are safe to use, such as its effectiveness as a natural biopesticide.

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